What are the pros and cons of Artificial intelligence?

The pros and cons of artificial intelligence

The pros and cons of artificial intelligence are the arguing topic among researchers. The effects of artificial intelligence on civilization are hotly contested. Many contend that AI enhances daily life by performing commonplace and even complex jobs better than humans can, making life easier, safer, and more productive. Others contend that AI increases the risk … Read more

What are the top 10 applications of artificial intelligence?

Top 10 applications of artificial intelligence

Top 10 applications of artificial intelligence in 2022 Top 10 applications of artificial intelligence is an important and interesting topic as in today’s culture, artificial intelligence is used in a variety of ways. This is just because it effectively addresses difficult problems in a variety of areas, including healthcare, entertainment, banking, and education, it is … Read more

What are the 3 stages of artificial intelligence?

3 stages of Artificial Intelligence

The 3 stages of artificial intelligence are nothing, just evaluation of artificial intelligence. Simply we can say the 3 stages of artificial intelligence are the present, next present, and future status of artificial intelligence technology. Don’t get confused between types of artificial intelligence and stages of artificial intelligence, types, and stages of artificial intelligence are … Read more

Artificial intelligence in 2022: Introduction and history

Artificial intelligence in 2022

Artificial intelligence in 2022 Artificial intelligence in 2022 will have advanced sufficiently by this year to rank as the most ground-breaking invention ever made by humans. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, predicts that it will have an effect on human evolution on par with that of fire and electricity. Simply AI can easily be … Read more

Hydrogen 2022: How to produce hydrogen from water?

water splitting process

The hydrogen economy is currently at a critical juncture, the market requires a huge production of hydrogen any form of clean raw material. Production of hydrogen from water is currently on the way of crucial research while hydrogen can be produced naturally from water. The market requires clean and sustainable energy, and for a wide … Read more

6 basic steps of Data Science in Chemical Engineering: An Overview

Data Science in Chemical Engineering may play a potential role to employ the data for visualization, analysis, and prediction of chemical and biological properties. Data science methods in chemical engineering include the use and development of software, numerical analysis methods, and machine learning may lead to enabling chemical engineering to better understand. The goal behind … Read more

Best 5 applications of Python

Best 5 applications of Python

Before talking about ‘Best 5 applications of Python, let’s know about the Python language.   What is Python? Python is a programming language that was developed by Guido van Rossum at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s. Python is a general-purpose, interpreted, object-oriented scripting language. It is designed to allow programmers to work faster … Read more

What is the potential role of artificial neural networks in chemical engineering?

The potential role of artificial neural networks in chemical engineering is on the track of research, due to complex derivational problems in chemical engineering we need updated techniques than conventional. Artificial Neural networks in Chemical Engineering may be helpful to tackle the problems. What is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)? An artificial neural network is … Read more