What is the pH, pH value, and pH scale, and how does it work? 1. Basic concept with solution

When we talk about “What is the pH”, we should remember that we are talking about science, not social science. This article will focus on the basic concept of pH, pH scale, pH values, and a few related numerical examples.   What is the pH? pH is denoted as “potential of Hydrogen”, which measures the … Read more

How i started earning money on Chegg? 1. Step by step 2. Review.

Earning money is a difficult task these days, but earning money on Chegg is easy. It is said that when a person does nothing, something goes on in his mind. The same thing has happened to me. We were facing a complete lockdown due to novel Covid-19 in March of 2020. I was getting frustrated … Read more

How to start earning online on Chegg? 1. Complete procedure. 2. Step by step

Before discussing “How to start earning online on Chegg” read this one “How to start earning as a freelancer on Chegg?” earlier. This short article will be covered how to create an account on Chegg to become an expert in any stream? The complete procedure is briefly discussed step by step. What is the Chegg? Chegg … Read more

Sci Hub 2022: How to download paid research papers easily?

As we know most major publishers are taking high charges to access their papers. There are various websites like Sci Hub available on the internet for downloading research papers without paying outrageous fees. This article will let you know how to download the paid papers without cost from Sci-Hub stepwise. The popularity of the Sci … Read more

What is the basics of Response Surface Methodology?

Response Surface Methodology To build an empirical model, the statistical and mathematical collection is called the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The main objective of RSM is to maximize production by optimizing the response (output variable), which is influenced by several independent variables (input variables). Response surface methodology is proved to be useful for improving, developing, … Read more

What is the Ultraviolet light? Effects and applications of UV

What is ultraviolet (UV) light?

When we talk about Ultraviolet light, we need to know some basics. What is the Electromagnetic spectrum? Radiations coming from the sun to the earth’s surface in form of energy. These radiations transmitted in waves or particles at different wavelengths. This range is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. These radiations are: Radio waves Microwaves Infrared … Read more

What are the 3 main components of biomass?

Before discussing on components of biomass, we should know about biomass. Biomass Biomass is the total amount of carbon stored in a given area. In terms of biomass, we are talking about the total mass of carbon stored in a particular area. A forest is a good example of a place where biomass is high. … Read more

What is the potential role of artificial neural networks in chemical engineering?

The potential role of artificial neural networks in chemical engineering is on the track of research, due to complex derivational problems in chemical engineering we need updated techniques than conventional. Artificial Neural networks in Chemical Engineering may be helpful to tackle the problems. What is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)? An artificial neural network is … Read more

What are the 20 basic statistical terms used in research?

There are so many statistical terms used in research for development, fabrication, optimization, etc. Statistics is an important subject and plays a key role in research. Good statistical knowledge may help the researchers to systematic approach toward data collection and handling. Decisions related to the adopted process and parameters can take easily by using statistics. … Read more